A small holiday-season write-up

It's been a little while since I shared an update. So I'd like to reflect on the last month-and-half. Following up on my last post, I was dealing with some unhappy thoughts I couldn't explain. The solution for me was to write these feelings down and to try and summarize them into something coherent. This all culminated into me having a number of insightful conversations with my partner and loved-ones.

It highlighted that I was dealing with serious expectations of myself that where just not accurate. So for the past month I took extra care to ensure that I was feeling positive and not let myself get overwhelmed.

With this I also took a trip to Dutch Comic-Con. It was my second time visiting. And this time I had a better idea of what to expect. I also visited with the intent to get back into building Gundam Model kits. As they are usually sold there for much cheaper than online.

So following comic-con I took my time to get back into the things I liked doing. Taking care to not let myself get psyched out.

As of right now.. I'm feeling a lot better. And I'm trying to get back into the groove.