Why do I pick hard projects?
With my newfound love for visual/creative programming. I started looking up to people who are creating awesome art using OpenGL or Vulkan. Two frameworks that are notoriously hard to use. So why am I so hopelessly dead-set on using them over any other library?? My algebra absolutely sucks...
My best guess is that this is just another short-lived obsession in my sea of cyclical hobbies. Like the printmaking was just a couple months ago, and simracing the months before that.
And while I don't dislike this cycle of hobbies. I do wish that I could just pick one. And become really good at that. Because this constant swinging between interests makes it really hard for me to 'git good' at some of the harder things. Maybe that's why I feel like always picking the hardest 'from scratch' options. So that I'm forced to actually learn it and become good at it.
This might actually have the opposite effect. As this 'challenge' then becomes frustrating to me, and I actually end up quitting sooner than later.
My last endeavour about sorting pixels is a great example of it going well actually. The material that inspired me achieved the same thing, only quicker. I settled for the slower option. And with that I really enjoyed the challenge of programming it. Completely forgetting about the 'shortcomings' my solution had.
These are all hobby projects after all... So why should I force myself to do anything? Especially if it ends in frustration.
Future me, read the sentence above very carefully...
- Rant over -
Here's some images I made in Processing: