Reducing my social media intake

For the past couple of months I've been noticing that my usage of social media like Reddit & Instagram had been steadily increasing. This lead to me feeling insecure. And at times even anxious about all of the things I'm missing (supposedly). This all came to a close after I was forced to reflect on my own actions.

Two weeks ago I was sitting at home, while there was a big public party ongoing in a nearby park. I had checked ahead and none of my friends where going. Still.. I was feeling like I was going to miss something. Especially when I saw people posting online about being there. I wouldn't consider these people my friends, but somehow I was still stuck with this stressfull feeling.

So, I decided to visit... I walked over, did a round of the park where the party was taking place. And kind of felt underwhelmed. It had dawned on me that I really wasn't missing anything. But then why did I get so worked up about it?

I took some time sitting down at the park to figure these feelings out. It was clear that something was causing them. And I very quickly realised that it was the different social media apps (especially Instagram) that where giving me this FOMO. By constantly barraging me with the cool things others where doing. I felt like I was missing all of it.

So I decided to take a break. Mute all of the instagram stories that weren't my direct family. And log out of my Reddit account. And after an initial period of missing the constant stimulation my phone was giving me... I felt more calm than before. Of course I didn't want to completely isolate myself. So I still open Instagram sometimes to catch up. But way, way less than before.

All in all, I think it's good for a person to limit their exposure to social media. And find a balance that works for them, and their own social life.